One Simple Remedy To Solve Your Back Pain.
I forgot to mention, I have had a bad back. I have had a bad back, on and off, for nearly 4 years. Pain in the lower back, left or...
I forgot to mention, I have had a bad back. I have had a bad back, on and off, for nearly 4 years. Pain in the lower back, left or...
We were talking in the office this week, about our training plans, for the new year. We all agreed, it is important to attend training sessions, to try to regain...
I have got my crystal ball out and have seen the future. I can now tell you ten sporting events that will light up 2011. My crystal ball isn't foolproof...
This Sunday, sees the annual, BBC sports personality of the year awards. In previous years, acusations that the winner didn't have a personality, will not be levied this year. The...
Every sports club will tell you how short of funds they are. They would all like to have a wealthy benefactor, to spend freely on improving the profile and success...
Throughout my time coaching young people at sport, the one thing that surprises me more and more, is their lack of flexibility. Obviously, i have encountered players that have great...
The following notes intend to stress the importance of having the right type of drink before, during and after training/ matches. I wrote this about 5 years ago while coaching...