After Match Football Do's and Dont's from Mitre
Unless you are at a professional football club, taking good care of your footballs after a match is probably low on your list of priorities. Honestly, from experience most players are keen to get to the pub/clubhouse after a match. So, the expensive footballs will be thrown into a ball bag with no thought about the after care required. How many players or club officials actually think about Match Football Care Advice given by the ball manufacturer? There are many jobs that need doing after a game such as
- Putting the goals or nets away
- Putting the corner flags away
- Gathering up the match and training footballs
- Ensuring all kit (Match shirts and player bibs) are bagged for laundry
- Cleaning out the changing rooms and shower block
Finding volunteers for additional jobs is always a challenge at grassroots level. So adding one more job to the mix is likely to fall on deaf ears.

Helpful Football Care Advise To Make Your Balls Last Longer
Every match football we offer from Mitre, is supplied in a clear protective bag. Most people just through this away but, it does have some fantastic advice to make your football last longer.
- Before inflating unfold the ball with both hands so that the football becomes softer, especially if very cold. After unfolding shake the ball to free the bladder inside the ball.
- Moisten the inflating needle with Mitre glycerine, vegetable oil or a soapy solution. (Do not use saliva or water - Stu). Insert carefully down the valve nipple with a clockwise/anti-clockwise motion.
- Screw inflating pump to the needle and inflate to correct pressure. Do not push pump directly into ball. Do not over inflate as this will damage stitching and shape.
- If air appears to be leaking from the valve nipple, it could mean that grit or some other foreign body has become trapped between the walls of the valve. This can usually be cleared by dripping the needle into the lubricating solution. Inserting the valve and working the needle up and down to clear the obstruction.
Each comment is accompanied by a descriptive image. Take a look and follow the advice given.
How to Care for a Quality Match Football.
Footballs range in price from £10 to £125. Surely it is a no-brainer that if you look after your football, it will last longer and become better value. Mitre have added useful advice to the match ball bag, advice that most footballers choose to ignore. Titled 'After Match Do's And Don'ts' this Match Football Care Advice should be followed after every game or training session
- After play, remove all dirt from the ball, wiping particularly around the valve aperture with a damp cloth. Lubricate the valve with Mitre glycerine to ensure the valve is dirt free.
- Never attempt to dry any football in front of a fire, radiator or hot pipes.
- At the end of the season, deflate and clean the ball. Store in a dry place. I would add a cool dry place, as excessive heat can also damage the life expectancy of the ball.