Now the result of the General Election is almost complete, it is good to see what the future holds is as clear as mud. No overall majority. Voters not being able to vote and court challenges likely.
The fact that voters did not have the chance to execute their right to vote is an absolute disgrace. How on earth can people not vote when the polling stations are open for 15 hours. Surely this is plenty of time for someone to put one X in a box. Challenging some of the results in court is stupid too. Voters had enough time to vote.
In the National Lottery, the cut off time to buy a ticket is 7.30, if you do not buy a ticket before this and your numbers come up, tough. The same should apply in the Election.
To keep the balls theme on this blog, The Labour Schools Minister, ED BALLS, retained his seat, albeit with a reduced majority of around 1100.