How To Get Your Fast Bowlers Bowling Faster.

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How To Get Your Fast Bowlers Bowling Faster. This is a question coaches have been asking for many years. Should they get the bowler to run in faster, try to get the bowling arm to come over quicker or is there some other method that can increase the speed of your quick bowlers. We found that asking the bowlers to quicken their approach or arm speed we lost accuracy and direction. In some cases we even decreased the pace at which the ball was being bowled. We then asked the players to revert back to their normal, rhythmical delivery approach and delivery, the accuracy returned. We hadn't solved the problem of increasing the speed of delivery though. We are big supporters of fast bowling guru Ian Pont and have delivered many a coaching session, based upon his findings. One main point we emphasize is to get the back leg working for the bowler. We used to suggest they should drive their back leg through during the delivery stride but, now feel it is more useful to stress the importance of driving the hip through. This ensures the back leg drives through, maintaining the energy during delivery. This one tip has helped our bowlers increase their pace without compromising their accuracy. Secondly, we introduced the Platypus Speedball, to our elite and county players training sessions. Over 3 weeks, we used this ball, at the beginning and end of our sessions, to record the speed each player was capable of. Whilst working on the specific action and drive through of the hip, accuracy of length had to be maintained to record an accurate measurement. Couple this with the competition of wanting to be the fastest in the club, we were able to improve every players recording. Our fastest bowler at the start of the 3 week course, was consistently recording speeds around 70mph (113kph). After week 3, we had improved that to an average of 76mph (122kph) and one delivery was recorded at 79mph. With more sessions and a little fitness work the high 70's will be his normal delivery speed. We then work on trying to get him to bowl in excess of 80mph. This improvement was mirrored throughout the squad. When the rain stops we may get to see these young fast bowlers, showing batsmen how quick they really are.