Pakistan 3 - The Verdict

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Tomorrow will be the most important day of the cricket calender in 2011. The verdict into the Pakistan 3, Salman Butt, Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Aamer will be delivered and they will finally find out their fate as the cricketing world, watches on. Michael Beloff QC, the chairman if the ICC 3 man panel will announce the decision after hearing the evidence into spot fixing charges, following Pakistan's Test series against England last Summer. Interestingly, he delayed the original decision, after the 6 day hearing, he said the verdict AND sanctions would be announced on February 5th. Does that suggest they have been found guilty. The ICC have ascertained the chances of guessing when 3 no balls would be bowled would be 1.5 million to one. So it seems the case is going to be hard to acquit. Each player has vehemently denied the accusations and all had put their case to the council. Again, allegidly worth noting all 3 accounts are said to be different. If they are guilty, will the ICC have the balls to hand out life time bans? If they are found to be not guilty will the cricketing commuity welcome them back without prejudice? I believe the case will be unproven and the 3 will return to International cricket in time for the World Cup. If match or spot fixing does exist it is almost impossible to prove.