How a TP Spring up goal, can help your coaching.

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When coaches make their session plans, they usually use various training aids. From cones, hurdles and ladders to various size and shaped balls. We have come across a great way of helping our sessions improve. At cricket, when throwing or bowling at stumps, we have to have someone at the stumps to stop the ball. We recently purchased 4 TP Spring Up Goals to replace this fielder, in our drills. The goal is placed behind the stumps to act as a catcher, thus keeping most of the balls in one place. It also gave the players a greater incentive, as if they missed the stumps by a small margin, they could still have an element of success if the ball went in the goal. Our fielding was noticeably better after using the goals. They are also very easy to transport and are now being used with our warm ups for matches. The TP Spring up Football Goal also comes in its own bag. We have recommended this to coaches from other sports. I have seen this product succesfully used at Football, Hockey and as mentioned Cricket. We have seen similar goals for sale priced around £50. This one has the major quality brand of TP behind it and is available for only £29.50 from Sportsballshop . If you do get one, let me know how you get on with it. Also, if you find more useful ways to use it, please do let me know.