Will Sin Bins Ever Come To The Premier League?

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With the announcement today that 'Sin Bins' are to be introduced in tier 7 of the Football League, we wonder if there will ever be a time if the trial is successful, that the 'Sin Bin' experiment could be extended to the Premier League.
For the 2017/18 season clubs playing in tier 7 will need to sign up to agree to participate in the new scheme. This will include most clubs playing below the semi-pro tier 6 level
Players will be dismissed for 10 minutes for all dissent offences. Sadly it will not include miss timed tackles without intent. Clubs at this level are normally fined £10 per yellow card but this will be waived for the new sin bin system. There will no doubt be some confusion, as players are shown a yellow and do not leave the field, for offences including bad tackles and those that miss time a tackle and then argue the toss, then get shown a yellow and spend 10 minutes on the touch line.
Whether the introduction of a new colour for sin bin offences will be agreed upon is not known at this time. Hockey have a 3 card system which works well but rugby only have 2 cards so maybe this will not be an issue.
Will it help to create a better playing environment? I'm not sure but the real test would be applying it at the top tier of football. Premiership players that spend many hours a season arguing with officials are the biggest influence on young teams and if they had a 10 minute penalty maybe this might make more difference throughout the game. I have seen many games this year which could easily see teams playing 7 v 7, at least it would open the game up to be more entertaining.
Small steps though in the right direction, so lets all wait to see what effect it has and if we can encourage more officials back into the game, knowing they are not going to have every decision questioned and be verbally abused week after week.