How to deal with parents in youth sport.

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Coaches usually start out as 'a parent that volunteers to help out a bit'. The coaching bug then takes hold, you complete your CRB, first aid and first coaching courses. Some coaches progress through a few levels of coaching when their child decides they no longer want to play the game. Now you have a dilemma, you will now be coaching, for free in most cases, other peoples children. You are now showing a huge level of commitment that your family sometimes struggle to appreciate. But, if you can find time for both then why not continue.
The problem you will now encounter is the loud or pushy parent on the side. How do you deal with the scenario? Quite often, this is when the coach with no family remaining at the club, tends to walk away. But, it doesn't have to be like this, with a bit of careful planning, prior to the season.
Most sports governing bodies have a parents, coaches and players guidelines printed on their websites. It would be a good idea to print this out and ensure all new players and parents receive a copy, upon joining the club. Also, ensure a copy can be seen on your website and in your clubhouse, if you have one. The RFU parents guide is a great resource and most clubs can adapt it to suit their sport or club.
Once you have issued the guidelines for parents, if you do encounter a problem with any parent, it will easier to address. Your club, now have the guidelines set in place and the parent can be reminded of his or her responsibilities to the player, the coach and the club.