How The England Cricket Team Are Going To Bounce Back?

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As i sit here listening to the TMS commentary, of England's poor showing against Pakistan, i am astounded by the comments appearing on cricket websites and twitter. Yes England have let themselves down badly, in this first test played in Dubai but, remember they are still the number 1 test team in the world. England, over the last few years have proved time after time they have the skills and mental spirit to get through some tough challenges. They will have to dig deep now to be able to come out and compete in the 2nd test in Abu Dhabi, starting next Wednesday. They will need to bat better in that game. So, what do the team do in the 5 scheduled days before the start of the next test? With the early finish of the first test, they now have 7 days to work on a batting plan and to get themselves back into form. Geoff Boycott has suggested they are under prepared and should now quickly arrange one or two games in the hope our top six can return to form in a matter of days. Time spent in the middle is far more relevant than nets. You can net for hours, days and weeks yet when your wicket is at risk, you bat differently. So i agree with Boyc's, Andy Flower should be on the phone now hastily arranging venues and opposition, to ensure England can go to the final game with a chance of winning the series. England have been well served by the top order, over the last few years and i fully expect them to come good. Fair play to Pakistan though, how they have transformed their side from the shambles that toured England back in 2010, is quite remarkable. England have always struggled to win cricket matches in the sub-continent, that is well reported, now we will find out how good they REALLY are. If they are the best test team in the world they will surely show that in the next two matches. On a lighter note, whilst listening the David Lloyd on Sky he came out with this typical nugget. "Whilst flicking through the channels trying to find one of his favourite programmes, the Flinstones, he found out from a friend, that people in Dubai didn't like the Flinstones. It ok though because Abu Dhabi Doo" As Bumble would say 'Start the car'