Free Balls and Inspired Facilities

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I am sure you are aware, that funding for any sports club is becoming more and more difficult to obtain. In today's economic climate, clubs are finding it hard to justify spending money on improving facilities, when survival is the main option. Sport England launched a fund in 2011 called Inspired Facilities, which gives clubs and organisations the opportunity to improve existing facilities or start a new project. The fund will have £50 million available over the five windows of application. Funding is available for projects which improve facilities for existing club members and it is not essential to show you will increase your membership base, when the project is complete. Grants of 20K to 50K will be awarded to any project proven worthy. This video shows how the Inspired Facilities scheme works and also has some insightful tips on how to structure your application Inspired Facilities The fund will have 5 rounds of applications, the 2nd of which opens for new applications on the 1st February 2012. It might be wise to have a look at the Inspired Facilities website to see how to make a worthwhile application. If you are looking for support with balls for your club, we are still running a very successful scheme called, Free Balls For Clubs. Many clubs need help with new equipment and this scheme is designed to support clubs when they are looking to buy new balls for matches or coaching. The Free Balls Campaign is currently not in place due to all funds being allocated.