We have talked at length about how clubs are financially hard up with many going to the wall, as funding dries up and membership declines. So, it is important to offer your players the best facilities and equipment that your club can afford. Assuming your club runs training sessions on a weekly basis, a problem many will encounter, is how to keep them varied and interesting. Whether you want hurdles or ladders for speed and agility work, cones for marking out areas or for change of direction drills, resistance bands and parachutes, the best way to buy these items is to invest in a speed and agility kit. These kits come in various sizes and offer you the best equipment available, at a budget you can afford. We highlight 3 of the best selling kits available on our website, which are suitable for use by any standard of team, any age group and all land based sports. Although, we do know a water polo side that uses one for the strength and conditioning Mitre Speed and Agility Training Kit This is our best selling kit of 2016. The set comprises of 6 adjustable hurdles (6" or 12"), 40 cones and stand, 2 x 4 metre hurdles, 10 x 9" traffic style cones and a heavy duty breathable bag. The cost for this set at the time of writing is £84.99.
Lusum Agility Kit was launched in 2017 and is fast becoming one of our top selling products. The set offers best value for money and a variety of equipment, that allows the player and coach to vary their training sessions each week. The set comprises 6 x 9" hurdles, 20 x cones, 2 x 4 metre adjustable ladders, 6 x Agility hoops, a speed resistor, a parachute and a heavy duty breathable bag. The cost for this set at the time of writing is £69.99.
Precision Training Ultimate Speed and Agility Kit this was the 1st kit we sold and has a variety of kit suitable for schools and club use. The pack contains 3 x 9" hurdles, 3 x 12" hurdles, 2 x 4 metre ladders, 20 cones, 1 x speed resistor, 1 x evasion belt, 1 speed chute, 1 reaction ball and a heavy duty bag. The cost for this set at the time of writing is £97.99.

With any of these sets you can devise training plans to build on your players speed, agility and endurance. Compact enough to take to away games so they can feature in a pre-match drills and warm up routines. If money is really tight, some clubs get a local company to purchase the speed and agility kit, in exchange for some advertising and a weblink from the club website to their own website. For the more expensive sets, a deal could be arranged where the weblink can be live for at least 3 years. You could even get the bag printed with the sponsors logo. A local printer could do this for a charge around £12 and would give the sponsor exposure at training and on match days.